Annabelle, the daughter of a baron who had fallen from grace, resides peacefully with Felix, a childhood friend and son of the Pope. However, the disparity in their social status makes Annabelle feel self-conscious. One day, Felix visits the Feneora Church, the primary temple of the national religion, and disappears.
Years later, when Annabelle turns 17, she is summoned to the same sanctuary due to a birthmark resembling a flower, which serves as proof that she is a saint known as “The Maiden of Suika.” Upon reuniting with Felix, Annabelle’s heart races with excitement. However, Felix’s aloof behavior confuses her, and to make matters worse, a beautiful girl named Beatrice, the daughter of a count, is also undergoing the same maiden training.
Amidst the training, a select few will be chosen as “true” maidens by Felix. Can Annabelle overcome the odds and become a maiden of auspicious flowers?
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